Who Am I?

I’m Briana

I have spent time in shoes like yours and have a deep empathy for those who are on their journey to greater healing and understanding of themselves and their lives through therapy. I’m a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) which means I largely see you as a whole picture, a person that can be affected by many different factors in their environment, and how your issues can be correlated to other aspects of your life.  

I’m empathetic, but real. I’m a good listener, but I don’t think therapy should just be listening. People come to therapy often because they are at a difficult spot in their lives and they sometimes need a gentle nudge to find the way. I emphasize authenticity and vulnerability, and I consider myself very open and and non judgmental.

I will try my best to meet you where you’re at and go at your pace, but may sometimes also ask the hard questions. I don’t have all the answers, and I enjoy working with people who are eager to do the work together

I don’t like to over-pathologize experiences and I think we each have uniqueness in the way we go about our lives and processes. We are all human and share more experiences than not.

Education and Background

I have an undergraduate degree in Psychology from Sonoma State University and a Masters degree in Social Work from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. I have experience working with LGBTQIA+ clients, clients in non-monogamous relationships, elderly folks trying to maintain independent living, with native communities in Hawai’i interested in asset building while maintaining culture, with foster children, adoptive parents, birth mothers choosing adoption for their unborn child, with underserved children in a small village in the Philippines, supporting children in a school-setting, and working with military families.

I have been providing telehealth therapy services since 2021. Prior, I was working as a branch manager and as a foster care and adoptions social worker from 2013 to 2021 teaching adoptive parenting classes, supporting people choosing adoption and those growing their family through adoption. I have also been a foster parent.